Phantasy Star Protable 2: Lobby and Information

Hello and welcome to the Phantasy Star Fan Website.

Well lest start this now, i'm Shugo the creator of this website and well i made this for the beneficial of every PSP2 fans or other PSP games but mainly is about the PSP2. Well you all know that theres alot of website and me honetly saying alot better then this one but well is like i said is just a simple fan made website to help people as well, i'll be updateing this website with everything new about the games as simple as codes, walkthrough, pictures, videos, ect. I hope you can have a nice day and well have a lot of fun and meet new friends.

For a nother section i'll be working on teh website to make it better and keep updating more and so you people can be consern of what is new. And pls pass to teh chatroom/Lobby so you can meet the people or friends for future game play ((Online)) or other helps.

How to get a better ending

Your ending after Chapter 10 Act 3 depends on your amount of 'story points' (invisible); this increases/decreases every time you select a good/bad dialogue option in the story missions (even if you've already done the mission before or if you select abandon mission). How well you do at story missions (both mission ranks and failures) will affect your points as well. It's possible to get all endings on a single character. The good dialogue options (taken from here) are as follows. Note that it is possible to skip straight to the next dialogue option by holding the start button.

Chapter 1

Upper option: 少女に声をかける
Bottom option: たしかにひどい
Upper option: 詳しいね
Upper option: 信じる
Upper option: 大丈夫
Chapter 2 Act 1

Bottom option: 任せて
Upper option: 依頼を成功させよう
Upper option: わかった
Upper option: 全然わからない
Bottom option: 村が気になる
2 Act 2

Bottom option: エミリアを助け起こす
3 Act 1

Upper option: そんなことはない
Upper option: その通りだ
Upper option: わかった
3 Act 2

Upper option: クラウチに怒られる
Upper option: よくがんばったと思う
4 Act 1

Upper option: 行きます
Choose to go either left or right
Bottom option: まっくらだった
Upper option: ユートのお姉さんみたい
4 Act 2

Upper option: 二人とも落ち着いて
Upper option: 一人では無理だ
5 Act 1

Bottom option: 結構です
Upper option: すごい子だよ
Upper option: そうかもしれない
5 Act 2

Bottom option: きっとこれは夢だ
Bottom option: 一人では無理だ
6 Act 1

6 Act 2

Upper option: ルミアをたしなめる
Upper option: エミリアの言う通りだ
7 Act 1

Upper option: どういたしまして
Upper option: ユートを信じる
Bottom option: 気になること?
Bottom option: 道はわかるのか?
7 Act 2

Upper option: たしかに聞こえた
Upper option: 大声でエミリアを呼ぶ
Upper option: エミリアッ!
Upper option: 助けに来た
8 Act 1

Upper option: わかる
Upper option: 言いすぎじゃない?
Upper option: 大丈夫!?
Upper option: 強くなったな、ユート
8 Act 2

Upper option: 諦めるな
9 Act 1

9 Act 2

Bottom option: 指導が足りませんでした
Upper option: 何をバカな
10 Act1

10 Act2